Incoming Mail Settings (Inbound)
- Server Type: Pop Mail Server
- Server Name: iprimus.com.au
- Port: 110
- User Name: your full email address
- Connection security: None
- Authentication method: Password, transmitted insecurely
- Description: iPrimus (or whatever you want to call the outbound connection)
- Server Name: smtp.iprimus.com.au
- Port: 25
- Connection security: None
- Authentication method: Password, transmitted insecurely
- User Name: your full email address
Incoming Mail Settings (Inbound)
- Server Type: Pop Mail Server
- Server Name: pop3.dodo.com.au (or alternatively pop.dodo.com.au)
- Port: 110
- User Name: your dodo username (usually start of email address) (or alternatively your full email address)
- Connection security: STARTTLS (or alternatively none)
- Authentication method: Normal Password
- Description: Dodo (or whatever you want to call the outbound connection)
- Server Name: smtp.dodo.com.au
- Port: 25
- Connection security: None
- Authentication method: Password, transmitted insecurely
- User Name: your dodo username (usually start of email address) (or alternatively your full email address)
Incoming Mail Settings (Inbound)
- Server Type: IMAP Mail Server
- Server Name: imap.aol.com
- Port: 993
- User Name: your AOL username (usually start of email address)
- Connection security: SSL/TLS
- Authentication method: Normal Password
- Description: AOL (or whatever you want to call the outbound connection)
- Server Name: smtp.aol.com
- Port: 587
- Connection security: STARTTLS
- Authentication method: Normal Password
- User Name: your AOL username (usually start of email address)